Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly

Ritupriya Basu
0 min read

Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly

At the TBI HQ, we decided it was time to pull up a sequel to the article where we asked creatives about the things that help make their workday just a bit sweeter – a piece which, you, dear readers, really loved. There’s no denying that there’s a quiet power to rituals. Whether it be a morning latte, or just the idea of waking up in time to catch the birdsong, our rituals ground us in the comfort of the familiar, as we set out to meet the unfamiliar that each day throws at us. We reached out to five creatives we admire to pick their brain, and they told us about the things and practices that help lift their day – from soaking in the ocean to overcome a creative block, to moving back home, and finding new rituals that feel ever so familiar, and yet new.

Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly

“My day pretty much hinges on getting a solid six hours of sleep, uninterrupted. If I hit the bed by midnight, I’m set. In the morning, I like to take a 30-minute walk – getting sunlight in my eyes first thing in the morning is something I learned from Dr. Andrew Huberman, and it helps get the wakefulness going. Lastly, you can’t underestimate a good ballpoint pen that doesn’t leak. I like the bright-coloured ones from Caran d’Ache.”

— Natasha Jen, Partner at Pentagram

Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly
Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly

“A decade ago, I packed my bags and set forth for college in Mumbai. With its tall buildings and ceaseless crowds, the city quickly became a second home. Along the way, as college days melted into ambitious nights, I set up my own studio there, embracing the city’s vibrant energy. After a decade-long adventure, I recently returned to my hometown of Dehradun. The contrast between the two places is palpable. It’s not like Mumbai or New York or Mr Big City with their ever-rushing pace; here, in the early morning, there’s a quiet sort of magic, the kind that would get lost in the everyday hustle of a city’s chachacha.

The world feels...smaller. It’s more intimate, like a date you take yourself out on.

I've been eating these moon-shaped biscuits, and there’s this childhood birthday pastry from a bakery down the road. They taste like memories – you know, the ones that make you smile and tear up at the same time.

I’m still finding the rhythm of my everyday music.

I started this thing where I go up to the terrace at 6:30ish a.m. It’s like my own personal New Day’s countdown, except instead of a ball dropping, the sun rises. Everything’s quiet. I watch the colours change, listen to the first calls of the birds, and feel the town waking up. It’s like being in two places at once – the here and now, and that space in my memories with moon biscuits and birthday pastries. I’m still finding the rhythm of my everyday music but this is what it feels like to settle in, with familiar new experiences.

It’s a small thing, but aren’t the small things what life’s about? Dancing in the street when no one’s watching, or just sitting with a friend, not saying anything but feeling everything. That’s my Dehradun morning – a dance with the sun, a quiet feeling of everything.”

Mehek Malhotra, Creative Lead (India) at Canva and Founder of Giggling Monkey Studio

Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly

“I run a small studio in Sydney. Now and then we’ll have people coming in to work, but my work hours are not the same everyday. I work whenever I find myself the most productive, and sometimes that means late into the night. No matter what time of the day it is, I like to light my incense before getting into the zone! The incense I love is from one of our clients, an Australian-based company called Gentle Habits. Their incense is inspired by scents from Aussie locations; the one I love is called Margaret River, a sandalwood-based scent.

Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly

As soon as I smell it, I know it is time to focus.

I have always been very sensitive to smell, I found aroma therapy really works for me to help me concentrate. It is like a trigger to my brain. As soon as I smell it, I know it is time to focus. In Taiwan, where I am from, people use incense to help with meditation and scene-setting. A room is not set without a nice burning incense.

After I light the incense, I check my daily planner, I still handwrite all of my schedule and to-do lists with a paper planner. I use the weekly Goal Digger planner from MiGoals. I have never found a better way to plan my week.”

– Olivia Chen, Creative Director at Studio Chenchen

Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly
Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly

“I work remotely, with a 6 hour time difference, so I like to reward myself for waking up before the sunrise with a hot cup of oat milk latte. Later in the afternoon, power naps are what keep me sane – I truly don’t know how I could’ve existed without them before. Whenever work gets too intense or I have a creative block, you will find me floating in the ocean. There’s some magical power in the water and how it dissolves stress and relaxes our bodies. A hot bath would also do!”

Zuzanna Rogatty, Designer & Lettering Artist

Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly
Workplace essentials 2.0: for our sequel, we asked five creatives what helps their day go swimmingly

“There are a number of things in my day-to-day life that help or at least support me in my work, but if I had to name just three, I’d say my daily workout, first and foremost. I very rarely, if ever, miss a gym session. I like to go early in the morning (6am) or early in the afternoon, depending on my day and how tired I am. I usually get there on foot (I love walking while listening to podcasts) and I do both weights and cardio. Sitting in a chair every day is just hellish for me! It’s the paradox of my job. What’s more, this has a real impact on my mental state at work too. I think I like being in a kind of competition with myself. Whether it’s sport or work, I like to challenge myself, to outdo myself!

The second thing I use all the time is my bullet journal in which I write down all my to-do lists from day to day. It helps me to free up a bit of mental space – by writing down all the things I have to do, I only have to refer to them afterwards, and what a satisfaction it is to tick off what’s been done! I’ve also recently started using Notion to organise myself virtually (accounts, references, projects, etc.) which is a good complement to my paper-based organisation.

Finally, the third thing that’s important to me is undoubtedly my latte with plant-based milk and my square of 90% dark chocolate..........and peanut butter. Food is one hell of a driving force in life, isn’t it?”

Morgane VanTorre, Type & Graphic Designer