Harry Bennett
0 min read

Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality

Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality
Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality
Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality
Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality
Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality
Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality
Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality
Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality
Universal Favourite’s warm and compassionate identity for LBDO represents sexual individuality

Seeking to normalise the discourse around sexual activity and pleasure, wellness brand LBDO not only provide sex-based products but also encourage and harbour empowering conversation on the subject matter. Feeling similarly passionate about LBDO’s progressive intentions, Sydney-based design agency Universal Favourite were brought on board to develop an identity that conveys a mindful and enlightened perspective.

Avoiding expected and overtly carnal tropes, Universal Favourite pursued a more inclusive and compassionate approach to LBDO’s brand; steering clear of supposedly naughty language, and bright pinks, in favour of something more representative of individuality within the sexual world. Continuing to explore this notion, as well as the uniqueness of different body types, sexual persuasions and pleasures – Universal Favourite opted for a combination of contrary forms within their typographic choices; utilising the elegant pairing of IvyPresto and Neue Haas Grotesk. As a result, LBDO’s wordmark and supporting typography convey a broad yet sophisticated spectrum through their aesthetic juxtaposition alongside a warming, gender-neutral colour palette.

Championing the need for conversation, LBDO’s identity also makes prominent use of the written word; with Universal Favourite working alongside writer Cat Wall to develop the brand’s inclusive tone of voice. The copy takes the form of three different roles – murmurations, ripples and interactive overlays; bolstering the identity’s sensual practice by organically flowing across the spaces it occupies.

Graphic Design

Universal Favourite


IvyPresto by The Ivy Foundry
Neue Haas Grotesk by Christian Schwartz and Max Miedinger


Cat Wall


Cameron Fernandes


Lauren Bamford


Natalie Turnbull
